GRAVICOM has over 12 years of experience in Cyber operations with the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and 5 years of industrial maintenance & robotics experience.
- Served as senior engineer for the Enterprise Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) system, the Navy Information Application Product Suite (NIAPS), and the Special Missions Branch which include:
- Requirements gathering, project sizing, and concept exploration
- Technical design, system architecture, integration, testing, certification and accreditation (C&A), fielding/transition, and lifecycle management
- Integrated enterprise information systems on NIPRNET and SIPRNET
- Thorough understanding of field to GIG communications in Net-Centric environment
- Integration specialist with respect to systems, hardware, software, robotics, data interchanges, and security
- DITSCAP, DIACAP & DIARMF for DOD information systems
- Several years experience writing Program level documentation for Distance Support (SPAWAR PMW-240)
- Worked in IATS, eMASS, XACTA, and submitted packages & supporting documentation
- Certification and Accreditation (C&A) specialist within the Navy and Marine Corps
- Authored effective and concise computer information security documentation (DIACAP)
- Practiced risk reduction, mitigation, reporting, and systems engineering
- Versed in virtualization technology to assist with virtual modeling, testing, and simulation
- Innovative solutions designer:
- Five Patents – Radio Intelligence® and CustomTool®
- Innovative fielded products (a.k.a. NIAPS, eCRM, JAMISS Deployable, etc.)